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In defining who you are on social media, networking is key as much here as it is in any type of business. I recently had the privileg...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

800 New Followers in 9 Days:3 New Growth Tips

Today I wanted to discuss some tools and people, that I have found that are not only helping me time wise; I have seen my number of followers per day double.  My numbers are increasing from 25-30 new followers a day, to around 50-60. I have to contribute this to the content that is being shared as well as help from retweets (STILL) by Sam Hurley, ranked #2 digital Marketer, SEO expert and social media influencer. Here are three tips to what I have been utilizing to experience my continued growth this week.

1.New Tip of The Week- Time Management
I have been using a trial of Drum Up, an app that schedules great content for you. I have a free trial, but I am just not in a place to blow money out the door right now, but I will say this, it is amazing for pre-scheduling your posts. Very efficient. I am also trying Feedly, which is pretty great too.  You can organize your topics and draw from those feeds whenever. I really like it.  I haven't upgraded to the paid format, again, trying to utilize all things free for us rookies and beginners out there who don't have the funds.  It is still a great way to share, and the articles get better engagement when they are shared in a more professional format. Other than the standby, retweet. There are several platforms out there. You just need to find what works for you.

2. Chrystie at Naptime Nation
I had a great webinar this week with Chrystie over at Naptime Nation (@Naptimenation). She has sold four blogs and is a huge success and she has great tips, groups and products.  Again, I wanted in on the package she had for sale, but I am just not there yet! Anyway, after the Q & A, I decided to make the jump and spend the money since it was one time for a year, and get my own domain.  She had turned me on to affiliate marketing, and she suggested that it was a better route to have your own domain in order to be successful at it. If you are new to the blogging scene, make sure you follow her and her advice...she knows her stuff. Chrystie has a great Facebook group for mom bloggers where we can share and follow and grow together; she really makes a difference. Her webinar last week was eye opening.

3. Get Your Own Domain
So that brings us to the big news...I have my own domain! Click here to get to it. I am officially "A Mom That Blogs". After talking to the best influencer I know, Sam Hurley, in a message, (if you haven't read my other blog post he is retweeting, he actually responds when you interact with him and has great tips all day long on his feed), I asked Sam what he thought about blog titles, like should I use my name; it is so important if you ever sell them so he advised a short snappy name, no personal name because it would never be bought.  I hope "A Mom That Blogs" covers everything enough.  Both my blogs are on the site as well as links to my published articles. I hope to start guest blogging soon.  When I started this journey back in April and May I had a hard earned 700 followers and as of today, I have over 2800. I crested 2000 followers on the 11th in that post. So in 9 days I have around 800 new followers.  All good ones, too.  This was all grown organically.

Again, all of this is achieved through reading what I find on twitter, getting some relationships built with some great influencers, and growing all by myself without paying anyone to do it for me.  I am on the Huffington Post now in regards to my mom blog, so check that out as well.

So this week I tried out time saving tips: Feedly is one that I will be sticking with.  Make sure you keep trying new things. We don't know what we can accomplish if we don't try! The one thing I will be trying new this week is that I will not be publishing any more new content.  I have read that it is about driving traffic to your site more than the articles you pump out. So I will be taking the next two weeks to do just that. I will be sharing that when next you hear from me!

Cheers to growth!

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